[Series] NFT 101 with Pikasso

Pikasso's Blog
3 min readSep 15, 2022


Welcome to NFT 101 with Pikasso! 👋 This series will give you an overview of NFT, their case uses, pros, cons and the technology underlying the NFT revolution. The focus will be on the “3 helps” of the series: help saving time, help educate users, and help empower creators.

NFT 101 with Pikasso

What is an NFT?

To begin the series, it is necessary to understand what an NFT is, and what is their significance within the digital market. Most people think of NFT as digital art, as that is the most common way technology is used. Actually, an NFT isn’t a thing, but a technology. NFT are simply unique non-transferable tokens on a blockchain that record information digitally, whose credibility and validity are supported by the immutable nature of blockchain technology and non-fungibility of the token.

Easy, right? So if you have a chance to utilize NFT technology, how would you use it? Would you want an NFT avatar online, or maybe to upload your medical records as an NFT to give you control over how your medical data is used.

For more details about NFTs and their application in various industries, please read What is an NFT? Why Are People Going Crazy About It?

NFT Marketplaces

So you’ve decided to create your own unique line of NFT, what’s next and where do you sell your NFT? You will need a place where your work is widely available to your target audience. There are many different NFT marketplaces, with each catering to different types of NFTs. Some marketplaces deal with one specific type of NFT, for example, a specific NFT game market specifically meant just for players of that game. Others are general marketplaces for a variety of different NFTs.

Just like you wouldn’t go to the grocery store to buy a power drill, knowing which market is meant for the NFT that interests you is important. For more details about NFT marketplaces, please read A Detailed Look At The 3 Types of NFT Marketplace

How to mint NFT?

Finally, let's learn how to mint an NFT…

That’s it for today! Don’t hesitate to comment and share the NFT 101 series. Your feedback is important to us. For more information regarding how Pikasso looks to change NFT infrastructure and how digital creators can use NFT marketplaces to grow their brand, stay tuned for the upcoming post of the NFT 101 series which will be live next Wednesday.

About Pikasso

Pikasso is a firebase infrastructure for NFT apps and games, creating an easier way for projects to create NFT, all on low-cost layer-2 ecosystems. Pikasso saves users the time needed by using a no-code platform to create NFT, with an improved UX/UI, and marketplace generator for each NFT project, all while bridging the gap between web2 and web3 content.

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